Siân Ede: Art and Science (2005)

3 July 2009, dusan

“While demonstrating how science is affecting the creation and interpretation of contemporary art, this book proposes that artistic insights are as important on their own terms as those in science and that we can and should accommodate both forms of knowledge. Featuring the work of artists such as Damien Hirst, Christine Borland, Bill Viola and Helen Chadwick, and art-science collaborative ventures involving Dorothy Cross, Eduardo Kac and Stelarc, it looks at the way new scientific explanations for the nature of human consciousness can influence our interpretation of art, at the squeamish interventions being produced by artists relishing in new technologies and at art which takes on the dangers facing the fragile environment.”

Publisher I.B.Tauris, 2005
ISBN 1850435847, 9781850435846
216 pages

Keywords and phrases
Steven Pinker, Richard Deacon, Stelarc, Richard Gregory, Susan Derges, Martin Kemp, evolutionary psychologists, Wellcome Trust, Richard Wentworth, Richard Dawkins, Steven Rose, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Antonio Damasio, Nicholson Baker, Daniel Dennett, Andy Goldsworthy, Marcus du Sautoy, Damien Hirst, qualia, Jo Shapcott


PDF (updated on 2015-4-4)

2 Responses to “Siân Ede: Art and Science (2005)”

  1. Magdalena on April 4, 2015 10:15 pm

    Hi, can u please reupload this book? Thanks a lot!

  2. dusan on April 4, 2015 11:47 pm


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