Robert Sumrell, Kazys Varnelis: Blue Monday: Stories of Absurd Realities and Natural Philosophies (2007)

8 August 2012, dusan

AUDC’s first book captures three moments in modern culture that offer glimpses into our increasingly perverse relationship to architecture, cities, and objects. “Ether” explores the Los Angeles telecom hotel, One Wilshire; a 39 story building of utter banality and complete mystery. “The Stimulus Progression” examines the strange story of the Muzak Corporation and the invention of a culture of horizontality. “Quartzsite, Arizona” visits a desert town of 3,000 people that swells to over 1 million residents every summer when modern nomads in Recreational Vehicles descend upon in it in hordes. This book is a lively mix of philosophy, photography, architectural drawings and models, and new media.

Publisher Actar Editorial, 2007
ISBN 8496540537, 9788496540538
175 pages

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