George Stiny, James Gips: Algorithmic Aesthetics: Computer Models for Criticism and Design in the Arts (1978)

23 October 2009, dusan

“Can a computer appreciate a work of art? Can a computer create a new work of art? What does it mean for an object to be a work of art? How are objects understood as works of art? Dozens of ways of understanding art have been proposed. Is there one true way to understand works of art? If not, what do the different ways of understanding art have in common? How might they be implemented in a computer? Does this “computer” or “algorithmic” approach have any contributions to make to the field of art and aesthetics?

The book was written between 1974 and 1976 in Los Angeles. We had no access to a computer so we employed a typist to translate our hand written pages into typed manuscript.”

Publisher University of California Press, 1978
ISBN 0520034678
220 pages



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