Jake Kinzey: The Sacred and the Profane: An Investigation of Hipsters (2012)

7 December 2012, dusan

The Sacred and the Profane examines the hipster and the current cultural impasse by going beyond “going-against-the-grain.”

The Sacred and the Profane is a work that combines local and global analysis to examine our age’s often-talked about, but mostly misunderstood, mainstream subculture: the hipster. This book seeks to answer questions like, Why don’t hipsters want to be called hipsters? and Why do they act like they are different when they are just like all the other hipsters? If you can’t stand hipsters, are a hipster, or don’t know what a hipster is, this book is for you.

Publisher Zero Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing, 2012
ISBN 1780990340, 9781780990347
68 pages

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