Song hojun: D.I.Y. Satellite (2009) [Korean, English]

21 January 2010, dusan

A zine by Song hojun, the leader of Open Source Satellite Initiative for developing a D.I.Y. satellite. Based on the artist’s sketch and manual of D.I.Y. Satellite, the publication contains thoughts on private space program, its execution plan, and things are going to happen afterward.

Proceeds from the sales will be used for building a satellite and renting a rocket.

Publisher Mediabus, Seoul, October 2009
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Korea
ISBN 9788994027043
40 pages


PDF, PDF (Korean, 10 MB, updated on 2016-12-25)
PDF, PDF (English, 10 MB, updated on 2016-12-25)

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