Myung-Jin Park, James Curran (eds.): De-Westernizing Media Studies (2000)

11 February 2010, dusan

De-Westernizing Media Studies brings together leading media critics from around the world to address central questions in the study of the media. How do the media connect to power in society? Who and what influence the media? How is globalization changing both society and the media?

Publisher Routledge, 2000
Communication and Society series
ISBN 0415193958, 9780415193955
342 pages

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One Response to “Myung-Jin Park, James Curran (eds.): De-Westernizing Media Studies (2000)”

  1. Myung-Jin Park, James Curran (eds.): De-Westernizing Media Studies (2000) at Monoskop/log « on February 13, 2010 5:45 am

    […] Myung-Jin Park, James Curran (eds.): De-Westernizing Media Studies (2000) at Monoskop/log […]

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