Gerd Leonhard: Music 2.0 (2008)

21 February 2010, dusan

Music2.0 is a hard-hitting, provocative and inspiring collection of essays and blog posts on the future of the music industry. The book continues and expands on the ideas and models presented in the book “The Future of Music”, which has become a must-read work within the music industry.

Music2.0 describes what the next generation of music companies will look like and the new principles that will define the next iteration of the music business.

Music2.0 presents the best of Gerd’s writings from the past four years. As you move from 2003 to 2007 in the book, the evolution of various ideas and expressions can clearly be observed.

cc Gerd Leonhard, 2008
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivate Works 3.0 license



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