Forum: Edinburgh University Postgraduate Journal of Culture & The Arts 8: Technologies (2009)

7 April 2010, dusan

Technologies allow us to interrogate what material objects, techniques and systems of knowledge are made and how they are produced.

The 8th issue of Forum engages with a range of questions concerning the definitions, meanings, applications and representations of technologies. The three guest articles by distinguished technology scholars deal with technologies and embodiment in Doctor Who, Marcuse’s aesthetics, and the figure of the independent inventor. The following articles explore the significance of technologies across the fields of literary and film studies, history and art history as well as media studies.

The wide variety of articles from different disciplines highlight the interdisciplinary nature of technologies, and the complexity of the term ‘technology’ itself.

Issue 8, Spring 2009 – Technologies
Editorial board: Ally Crockford, Lena Wanggren, Jack David Burton, Jana Funke, Kim Treharne Richmond, Ana Salzberg.
Publisher: University of Edinburgh, Graduate School of the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

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