The 1980s: Today’s Beginnings? An Alternative View on the 80s (2016) [Dutch/English]

15 December 2016, dusan

The 1980s. Today’s Beginnings? explores the long 1980s from six European perspectives, examining the relevance of this trans- formative decade for today. Placing different contexts alongside one another, the exhibition aims to offer alternative views on the recent past by allowing multiple social and cultural voices to speak to one another. The project comprises a diverse mix of artworks, music,TV, graphic and archival material, exploring a wide set of socio-political themes through the lens of culture.”

Edited by Nick Aikens, Charles Esche, Diana Franssen
Publisher Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, and L’Internationale Online, 2016
15 pages



See also Osemdesata / The Eighties (2017).

Stephen Duncombe: Notes from Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture, 2nd ed (1997/2008)

15 February 2011, dusan

Much history and theory is uncovered here in the first comprehensive study of zine publishing. From their origins in early 20th century science fiction cults, their more proximate roots in ‘60s counter-culture and their rapid proliferation in the wake of punk rock, Stephen Duncombe pays full due to the political importance of zines as a vital network of popular culture. He also analyzes how zines measure up to their utopian and escapist outlook in achieving fundamental social change. Packed with extracts and illustrations, he provides a useful overview of the contemporary underground in all its splendor and misery.

Edition 2
First published by Verso, 1997
Publisher Microcosm Publishing, 2008
ISBN 1934620378, 9781934620373
256 pages

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