Vilém Flusser: Towards A Philosophy of Photography (1983–) [DE, EN, PT, ES, HU, CZ, RU]

16 February 2009, dusan

“Media philosopher Vilém Flusser proposed a revolutionary new way of thinking about photography. An analysis of the medium in terms of aesthetics, science and politics provided him with new ways of understanding both the cultural crises of the past and the new social forms nascent within them. Flusser showed how the transformation of textual into visual culture (from the linearity of history into the two-dimensionality of magic) and of industrial into post-industrial society (from work into leisure) went hand in hand, and how photography allows us to read and interpret these changes with particular clarity.”

Publisher European Photography, 1983
ISBN 3923283016
58 pages

New English edition
Translated by Anthony Mathews
Publisher Reaktion Books, London, 2000
ISBN 1861890761, 9781861890764
94 pages

Review: Sean Cubitt (Leonardo, 2004).

Publisher (EN)

Für eine Philosophie der Fotografie (German, 1983, no OCR, added on 2013-9-26)
Towards A Philosophy of Photography (English, ed. Derek Bennett, 1984, added on 2013-12-14)
Filosofia da caixa preta. Ensaios para uma futura filosofia da fotografia (Portuguese, trans. Vilém Flusser, 1985, unpaginated, updated on 2014-2-13)
Hacia una filosofía de la fotografía (Spanish, trans. Eduardo Molina, 1990, no OCR, added on 2013-9-26)
A fotográfia filozófiája (Hungarian, trans. Panka Veress and István Sebesi, 1990, HTML, added on 2014-2-14)
Za filosofii fotografie (Czech, trans. Božena Koseková and Josef Kosek, 1994, updated on 2017-11-15)
Towards A Philosophy of Photography (English, trans. Anthony Mathews, 2000, updated on 2012-9-18)
Za filosofiyu fotografii (Russian, trans. G. Khaydarova, 2008, added on 2014-2-14)