Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, Vol 6: Black Metal (2012)

16 October 2012, dusan

Glossator publishes original commentaries, editions and translations of commentaries, and essays and articles relating to the theory and history of commentary, glossing, and marginalia (catena, commentum, gemara, glossa, hypomnema, midrash, peser, pingdian, scholia, tafsir, talkhis, tika, vritti, zend, zhangju, et al). The journal aims to encourage the practice of commentary as a creative form of intellectual work and to provide a forum for dialogue and reflection on the past, present, and future of this ancient genre of writing. By aligning itself, not with any particular discipline, but with a particular mode of production, Glossator gives expression to the fact that praxis founds theory.

With contributions by Steven Shakespeare, Aspasia Stephanou, Ben Woodard, Eugene Thacker.

Editors: Nicola Masciandaro & Reza Negarestani
Editor-in-Chief: Nicola Masciandaro
Published in June 2012
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License
ISBN 1477667466, 9781477667460
130 pages



Susan Buck-Morss: The Origin of Negative Dialectics: Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and The Frankfurt Institute (1977-) [English, Spanish]

22 September 2012, dusan

Publisher The Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing, New York, 1977
ISBN 0029049105
352 pages

review (Gillian Rose, History and Theory)

google books (EN)
Susan Buck-Morss at Monoskop wiki

The Origin of Negative Dialectics (English, 1977)
Origen de la dialéctica negativa (Spanish, trans. Nora Rabotnikof Maskivker, 1981, no OCR)

Everything Magazine (1992-2001)

8 June 2012, dusan

The magazine reported on London’s independent art scene, projects, politics and philosophy throughout the 1990s. The web archive includes essays, interviews, reviews, web projects, and two eBC net casts.

Editorial collective (e/E): Luci Eyers, Steve Rushton aka Martina Kapopkin, John Timberlake
Published in London
via Steve Rushton

Interview with editors (Real Audio, 1999)

HTML (Issue -1)
HTML (partial archive, use menu at the bottom)
Net casts (1998)