roomservices: VROOM – Vehicles of Registration and Omniscient Observational Mechanics (2007)

6 December 2011, dusan

VROOM was an internventionist inquiry during the Istanbul Fragmented Conference 2005 exploring how mechanical senses re-read and compare globally distributed localities and urban situations. The all-seeing Google Earth cartographic god perspective of writing the landscape [geo-graphy], was replaced with a street level mongrel horde of situated dei ex machinis in an attempt to further socio-mechanic prostheses for understanding the world.

Produced by roomservices (Evren Uzer, Otto von Busch) and Klas Ruin
Published by Roomservices Publishing, Istanbul
ISBN 978-91-976356-2-2
90 pages



Brian Holmes: Escape the Overcode: Activist Art in the Control Society (2009)

24 December 2010, dusan

“This publication contains a selection of texts and essays by the writer Brian Holmes that engage with the possibilities and problematics of geopolitics and geopoetics. Holmes is a crucial contemporary writer and thinker whose insight into current social and political developments and how they relate to artistic processes opens up a new field of “geocritique”.

The examples he cites extend across Latin America, Europe and Asia, where he looks at networks, artworks, films, institutions and protest movements for signs of how future progressive strategies might be shaped. The texts here are connected in part with the long-term collaborative research project Continental Drift.”

Publisher Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, and Zagreb: WHW, 2009
Research Series, 2
ISBN: 9789070149987
414 pages

PDF’d HTML (updated on 2015-4-28)

Brian Holmes: Hieroglyphs of the Future: Art & Politics in a Networked Era (2003)

16 December 2010, dusan

“Networks redefine urban and social borders and can be interpreted in many ways according to the chosen perspective, a limited territory or the entire globe, revealing at the same time the potential and the limits of their actions. This collection of essays, which features a solid political approach intertwined with art, pushes the limits of the critique of the mobility as defined by human beings and the reconfiguration of urban space, analyzing the powers and desired contained in it. A hyperlinking of transnational forces of opposition are invited to play a strategic game coordinating their efforts for imagining future alternative and sustainable realities, through a media struggle which uses the same propaganda tools of capitalism. The collaboration with the art collective Bureau D’Etudes and the resulting maps of power produced by them are nodal, but the core of these essays are the instruments of analysis offered, which elaborate new expressions to effectively decode our contemporary world.”

Publisher Arkzin Communications / What, How and for Whom, Paris/Zagreb, 2003
Broadcasting series, 3
ISBN 9536542838, 9789536542833
294 pages

PDF (updated on 2015-4-28)