This Is Tomorrow (1956)

23 May 2010, dusan

This Is Tomorrow was a seminal art exhibition in August 1956 at London’s Whitechapel Art Gallery, facilitated by curator Bryan Robertson. The core of the exhibition was the ICA Independent Group.

It has become an iconic exhibition notable not only for the arrival of the naming of Pop Art but also as a captured moment for the multi-disciplinary merging of the disciplines of art and architecture.

The exhibition included artists, architects, musicians and graphic designers working together in 12 teams—an example of multi-disciplinary collaboration that was still unusual. Each group took as their starting point the human senses and the theme of habitation.

The exhibition catalogue featured essays by Reyner Banham and Lawrence Alloway. McHale wrote the text for the page Are they Cultured? and it was intended to be featured with the McHale designed collage that got mispaginated in the catalogue.”

Edited by Theo Grosby
Designed by Edward Wright

Commentary: this is tomorrow 2 (2008), James Lingwood (2009).
Reinterpretation (2019)

HTML (the website is down as of 2019-3-15)