GLI.TC/H 20111 Reader[r0r] (2012)

10 March 2012, dusan

A selection of texts from authors and artists about digital decay, signal interruption, system collapse, and failure.

GLI.TC/H is a physical and virtual assembly of artists, hackers, moshers, dirty mediators, noise makers, circuit benders, p/h/i/l/o/s/o/p/h/e/r/s, and those who find wonder in that which others call broken.

GLI.TC/H is an annual international noise && [dirty] new-media event/conference/symposium/festival/gathering for makers and breakers.

With contributions by Tom McCormack, Curt Cloninger, Jon Satrom, Nick Briz, Rosa Menkman, Iman Moradi, Hannah Piper Burns, Evan Meaney, Channel TWo, Mez, Jon Cates, Matthew Fuller, JODI, Alexander Galloway, A Bill Miller, Laimonas Zakas, Iman Moradi

Editors: Nick Briz, Evan Meaney, Rosa Menkman, William Robertson, Jon Satrom, Jessica Westbrook
Publisher: Unsorted Books, February 2012
ISBN: 978-4-9905200-1-4
Copy<it>right license, copying/sharing is encouraged/appreciated
61 pages

GlitchBlog, GlitchBlog (Archived)
project’s Kickstarter page