Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.): Media Activism. Strategie e pratiche della comunicazione indipendente (2002–) [IT, ES]

10 October 2010, dusan

“Media Activism è un libro operativo, una scatola degli attrezzi, un manuale e una cartografia dell’attivismo mediatico degli anni a venire». Indymedia, Adbuster, Candida Tv, Etoy, Radio Gap sono alcuni dei nomi più noti dei network di comunicazione e informazione indipendenti nati negli ultimi tempi. Su scala nazionale e internazionale, da alcuni anni si vanno diffondendo e affermando diversi poli di informazione alternativa. Le nuove tecnologie hanno infatti dato a chiunque la possibilità di improvvisarsi e diventare «media», dalla diffusione di notizie in rete alla vera e propria produzione di televisioni. I media indipendenti non sono allora semplicemente serviti al popolo globale per incontrarsi, organizzarsi e decidere cosa fare in occasione delle contestazioni dei vertici internazionali, ma hanno svolto anche una grande campagna di informazione e produzione di cultura. Su questi eventi, in rete circolano migliaia di filmati, video, testi, comunicati, analisi, documenti audio, illustrazioni. E in tutto il mondo milioni sono le persone che quotidianamente si connettono ai network per avere notizie in tempo reale, per seguire gli avvenimenti in diretta e per avere un’informazione più libera e ritenuta, quindi, attendibile. Questo libro è una mappa dei media indipendenti sparsi per il globo. Come sono nati, quando, con quali intenzioni. Quali forme comunicative adottano, quali strumenti. Come è possibile ritrovarli sulla Rete. Ma è anche un manuale che dimostra come bastino poche tecnologie per fare comunicazione.”

Interventi di: Mario Agostinelli, Matthew Arnison, Become Your Super Hero Project, Franco Berardi (Bifo), Bitsurs, Andrea Borgnino, Silvano mcsilvan Cacciari, Claudio Calia, Center for Digital Democracy, Lavo Cuciva, Vito Di Marco, Fair, David Garcia, DeeDee Halleck, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Janine Jackson, Claudio Jampaglia, Geert Lovink, Macchina, Lorenzo Maiorino, Raoul Marroquin, Stephen Marshall, Agila Mediattivista, Megachip, Federico Micali, Federico Montanari, Jason Nardi, Teresa Paoli, Matteo Pasquinelli, Denis Rojo, Davide Sacco, Sherwwod comunicazione, Nicole Smits, Society for Old and New Media, Paolo Soglia, Marco Trotta, Ugo Vallauri.

Publisher Derive Approdi, Rome, 2002
ISBN 8887423873
240 pages


Media Activism: strategie e pratiche della comunicazione indipendente (Italian, 2002, updated on 2017-10-14)
Mediactivismo: estrategias y prácticas de la comunicación independiente (Spanish, trans. Asamblea Florida Este, 2003, updated on 2017-10-14)

Video For Change. A Guide For Advocacy And Activism (2005)

19 November 2009, dusan

Pictures from Abu Ghraib showed the power of the amateur image to grab the world’s attention. The Asian tsunami, caught on camcorder, brought home the reality of what had happened more than any news report ever could. Around the world the increasing availability and affordability of technology has fuelled the world of social justice video activism. Film-making — at its best — has the power to change the way people think, and create real social change, and now the tools to do it are more accessible than ever before. This book shows how activists and human rights campaigners can harness the power of images and stories for their own purposes — it’s a step-by-step guide to the handicam revolution.

Written by leading video activists, and staff of the world-renowned human rights organization WITNESS, this practical handbook will appeal to experienced campaigners as well as aspiring video activists. It combines a comprehensive analysis of what’s going on in this growing global field with a how-to primer to doing it yourself.

Video for Change is packed with real-life stories from the fray, how-to guidance, and easy-to-use exercises. Clear and accessible, it provides a crash course in the basics of social justice video documentation and advocacy. The authors cover every aspect of filmmaking from technical guidance to strategic and ethical issues, making it indispensable for both amateur and professional filmmakers.

Readers are shown how to plan, film, edit and distribute; they are shown how to adopt an effective strategy so that their video makes a difference. The book is unique in that it also covers the practical ethics and responsibilities of social justice video-work and offers a global range of real-life stories to learn from.

Edited by Sam Gregory, Gillian Caldwell, Ronit Avni, Thomas Harding
Preface by Peter Gabriel
Published by Pluto Press, 2005
ISBN: 9780745324128
344 pages

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Thomas Harding: The Video Activist Handbook, 2nd ed. (1998/2001)

17 November 2009, dusan

This second edition of the highly popular The Video Activist Handbook includes numerous examples of contemporary video activism from around the world. The first book to provide the basic skills and know-how required for beginning video activism, it also offers a wealth of ideas on video strategies to those with some prior experience. Whether you are involved in campaigning, non-violent direct action, or simply want to know how to make use of video as a political tool, this book is for you. • Covers the key topics in a step-by-step guide – from choosing and using the right equipment and planning when and where to shoot, to supplying to TV, making a campaign video and legal considerations • Combines clearly written and illustrated practical advice, backed up by a wealth of resources, with first-hand examples of successful video activism • Critically assesses the mainstream media agendas and offers a lively survey of the international video activist scene.

Foreword by Anita Roddick
Publisher Pluto Press, 2001
ISBN 0745317707, 9780745317700
Length 255 pages

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