Potlatch: bulletin d’information de l’Internationale lettriste, 1-29 (1954-1957) [FR, EN, RU]

14 November 2019, dusan

Potlatch: bulletin d’information de groupe français de l’Internationale lettriste, later Potlatch: bulletin d’information de l’Internationale lettriste was a periodical of the Lettrist International published in 29 numbers from 22 June 1954 through 5 November 1957. It appeared weekly for the first 12 numbers, then monthly through the number 24, afterwards occasionally. The editors were André-Frank Conord (1-8), Mohamed Dahou (9-18, 20-22), Gil J Wolman (19), and Jacques Fillon (23-24). Several members, including Guy Debord, Michèle Bernstein, Mohamed Dahou, and Gil J Wolman went on to form the Situationist International.

Published in Paris, 1954-1957
via Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

PDFs (several pages missing)

English (selected texts, n.d.)
Russian (selected texts, c2017)