Alexander Kluge: Raw Materials for the Imagination (2012)

27 July 2012, dusan

Alexander Kluge is best known as a founding member of the New German Cinema. His work, however, spans a diverse range of fields and, over the last fifty years, he has been active as a filmmaker, writer and television producer. This book – the first of its kind in English – comprises a wide selection of texts, including articles and stories by Kluge, television transcripts, critical essays by renowned international scholars, and interviews with Kluge himself. It will be a valuable resource for students and scholars in the fields of film, television, and literary studies, as well as those interested in exploring the intersections between art, politics, and social change.”

Edited by Tara Forrest
Publisher Amsterdam University Press, 2012
Film Culture in Transition series
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License
ISBN 9089642722, 9789089642721
440 pages


PDF (15 MB)

CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East, Vol. 5, Nr. 1 (2011)

25 January 2012, dusan

“The main purpose of this electronic journal is to provide a forum to explore cyberspace both as an imaginary forum in which only representation exists and as a technology that is fundamentally altering human interaction and communication. The next generation will take e-mail, websites and instant availability via cell-phones as basic human rights. Internet cafes may someday rival fast-food restaurants and no doubt will profitably merge together in due time. Yet, despite the advances in communication technology real people in the part of the world once called an “Orient” are still the victims of stereotypes and prejudicial reporting. Their world is getting more and more wired, so cyberspace becomes the latest battleground for the hearts and minds of people everywhere.”

Editor-in-Chief: Daniel Martin Varisco
Publisher: Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague
ISSN 1804-3194

View online (HTML articles)

#public_life: Digitale Intimität, die Privatsphäre und das Netz (2011) [German]

29 April 2011, dusan

Immer mehr Menschen äußern sich im Internet nicht nur zu politischen Fragen, sondern auch zu ihrem Konsumverhalten oder ihren sexuellen Vorlieben, sie zeigen das Innere und Äußere ihrer Wohnung, lassen uns an den kleinen und großen Dingen ihres Lebens teilhaben. Gleichzeitig wird es durch die entsprechende Software immer leichter, Nutzerprofile zu erstellen, die den Menschen durchsichtig machen und marktförmig. So oder so: Die Grenzen zwischen dem Privaten und dem Öffentlichen verschwimmen, die Sphären durchdringen einander. Bleiben bei diesem Prozess die Persönlichkeitsrechte und das Politische auf der Strecke?

Die Beiträge im vorliegenden Sammelband #public_life untersuchen vor dem Hintergrund der digitalen Drift die Bedeutung von Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit heute. Die Gegensätzlichkeit der Positionen, die an Privatsphäre und Kontrollanspruch festhalten oder das Zeitalter von Post-Privacy ausrufen, scheuen sie dabei nicht.

Mit Beiträgen u. a. von Clive Thompson, Danah Boyd, Helen Nissenbaum, Daniel J. Solove, Malte Spitz, M. Ryan Calo, Francesca Schmidt, Jan Schallaböck und Michael Seemann.

Editor: Simon Edwin Dittrich
Publisher: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin, April 2011
Schriften zu Bildung und Kultur series, Nr. 8
ISBN 978-3-86928-052-3
128 pages
Licensed under Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE
