Field Notes 3: Mapping Asia (2013) [English, Chinese]

4 October 2014, dusan

The latest issue of e-journal Field Notes edited and published by the Hong Kong-based Asia Art Archive “examines multiple vantage points from which to consider Asia, looking beyond inherited boundaries, histories, and political and economic systems.”

“In our most field note-like issue to date, we interweave artist work, an email exchange, literary extracts, a film plot, exhibition reviews, newspaper clippings, comics, and archival photos. If we were to list some of the entry points for the selections they would include (in no particular order) Guangzhou as site, speculative geographies, Hong Kong, seaborne histories, territory and myth, island disputes, language, migration, and sites of knowledge production and distribution.” (from the editorial)

Edited by Claire Hsu and Chantal Wong
Publisher Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong, 2013
138 pages


PDF (38 MB), HTML, Issuu (English, updated on 2017-11-30)
PDF (32 MB), HTML, Issuu (Chinese, updated on 2017-11-30)

See also Mapping Asia, a 190-page book based on this issue, published circa July 2014 (Issuu, in English).

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