Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, WHW (eds.): Public Library / Javna knjižnica (2015) [English/Croatian]

15 June 2015, dusan

A collection of four essays on the institution of the public library and the relevance of today’s online text collections. Published on the occasion of an exhibition and conference held in Zagreb, Croatia, in May and June 2015.

“The public library is:
* free access to books for every member of society;
* library catalog;
* librarian.
With books ready to be shared, meticulously cataloged, everyone is a librarian. When everyone is librarian, library is everywhere.”

Texts by McKenzie Wark, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug, and Paul Otlet.

Edited by Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, and What, How & for Whom (WHW)
Publisher WHW & Multimedia Institute, Zagreb, May 2015
Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 License
ISBN 9789535595137
144 pages
via Memory of the World


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