Occupy Wall Street/Strike Debt: The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual (2012)

11 December 2012, dusan

This manual—written by an anonymous collective of resistors, defaulters, and allies from Strike Debt and Occupy Wall Street—aims to provide specific tactics for understanding and fighting against the debt system. You’ll find detailed strategies and resources for dealing with credit card, medical, student, housing and municipal debt, tactics for navigating the pitfalls of personal bankruptcy, and information to help protect yourself from predatory lenders. Recognizing that individually we can only do so much to resist the system of debt, the manual also introduces ideas for those who have made the decision to take collective action.

Published in September 2012
Produced as a collaboration between Members of the Strike Debt assembly, Occupy Wall Street, Common Notions, Antumbra Design
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
132 pages



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