Hacktivistas.net: Manual de desobediencia a la Ley Sinde (2011) [Spanish]

2 March 2012, dusan

“Este Manual de desobediencia a la Ley Sinde tiene el objetivo de demostrar la ineficacia radical de la Ley Sinde desde un punto de vista práctico. Los usuarios y webmasters encontrarán los métodos más útiles para sortear las barreras de la censura gubernamental.”

Published in April 2011
Diagonal y Traficantes de Sueños edition
Creative License BY-SA 3.0 España
57 pages

wertdeenlaces.net – Disobeying Sinde-Wert Law (Hacktivistas.net, February 2012) [English]
La primera denuncia de la ley Sinde-Wert en vivo y en directo (Hacktivistas.net, March 2012) [Spanish]
Artist and Hacktivists Sabotage Spanish Anti-Piracy Law (TorrentFreak.com, March 2012) [English]



EFF: Defending Privacy at the U.S. Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices (2011)

23 December 2011, dusan

Our lives are on our laptops – family photos, medical documents, banking information, details about what websites we visit, and so much more. Thanks to protections enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, the government generally can’t snoop through your laptop for no reason. But those privacy protections don’t safeguard travelers at the U.S. border, where the U.S. government can take an electronic device, search through all the files, and keep it for a while for further scrutiny – without any suspicion of wrongdoing whatsoever.

For doctors, lawyers, and many business professionals, these border searches can compromise the privacy of sensitive professional information, including trade secrets, attorney-client and doctor-patient communications, research and business strategies, some of which a traveler has legal and contractual obligations to protect. For the rest of us, searches that can reach our personal correspondence, health information, and financial records are reasonably viewed as an affront to privacy and dignity and inconsistent with the values of a free society.

Despite the lack of legal protections against the search itself, however, those concerned about the security and privacy of the information on their devices at the border can use technological measures in an effort to protect their data. They can also choose not to take private data across the border with them at all, and then use technical measures to retrieve it from abroad. As the explanations in this publication demonstrate, some of these technical measures are simple to implement, while others are complex and require significant technical skill.

by Seth Schoen, Marcia Hofmann, Rowan Reynolds
Published by Electronic Frontier Foundation, December 2011
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
23 pages

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Stephen Travis Pope: Sound and Music Processing in SuperCollider (1998)

3 October 2010, dusan

SuperCollider is a powerful and flexible programming language for sound and image synthesis and processing. It was developed by James McCartney of Austin, Texas, and is the result of more than five years of development, including the Pyrite and Synth-omatic systems from which SuperCollider is derived. The somewhat odd name of the language is derived from its creator’s obsession with the superconducting supercollider project that was planned to be undertaken in his home state of Texas, but never funded.

The SuperCollider compiler and run-time system has been implemented on Apple Macintosh and Be computers (more ports are projected), and can execute quite complicated instruments in real time on “middle-class” Macintoshs (see the notes below on its performance). This book is a step-by-step tutorial on SuperCollider programming; it is aimed at musicians who want to use it for musical sound synthesis and processing.”

“This book is an introduction to the SC language aimed at readers who have some programming background (such as knowing another sound synthesis language or a general-purpose language like C or Smalltalk). It is not meant to substitute for the SC manual, to which I indeed refer the reader in numerous places.”

PDF (3mb, updated on 2024-4-20)
Code examples