The Next Five Minutes Zapbook (1992)

8 July 2013, dusan

Working papers for the Next Five Minutes Conference, Exhibition and TV Program on Tactical Television held between 8 and 10 January 1993 in Amsterdam.

Edited by Amsterdam Cultural Studies (Jeroen van Bergeijk, Geke van Dijk, Karel Koch, Bas Raijmakers)
Produced by Paradiso, Amsterdam, October 1992
70 pages


See also tactical media on Monoskop wiki.

Songs of The IBM (1931-)

23 May 2013, dusan

“[Since the year 1900], the gatherings and conventions of our IBM workers have expressed in happy songs the fine spirit of loyal cooperation and good fellowship which has promoted the signal success of our great IBM Corporation in its truly International Service for the betterment of business and benefit to mankind.

In appreciation of the able and inspiring leadership of our beloved President, Mr. Thos. J. Watson, and our unmatchable staff of IBM executives, and in recognition of the noble aims and purposes of our International Service and Products, this edition of IBM songs solicits your vocal approval by hearty cooperation in our song-fests at our conventions and fellowship gatherings.” (from introduction)

Publisher International Business Machines Corporation, New York, 1931
45 pages

music clips
publisher and more information about IBM’s music and bands
commentary (Rob Weir)

PDF (1931 edition)
PDF (partial reproduction of the 1935 edition)
PDF (1937 edition)
PDF (1940 edition)

Nicolas Collins (ed.): A Call for Silence (2004)

10 May 2013, dusan

As in the old Roue’s quip that “a drink before and a cigarette after are three best things in life,” sometimes the most important moments of our lives lie in an unspoken ellipse. The same is true of some of our most beautiful sounds. On this CD 34 artists provide personal views into that sonic ellipse, suggestions for listening to that which might otherwise pass you by: count-offs, groove grit, tape hiss, breaths, rests, CD glitch, guitar hum, audience anticipation, reverb tails, room tones, minutes of silence, the calm before a storm.

Publisher Sonic Art Network, London, 2004
28 pages

PDF (compressed version; for the sake of scanning)
Listen (34 tracks)