Adolf Meyer (ed.): Ein Versuchshaus des Bauhauses in Weimar (1925) [German]

7 July 2019, dusan

The third volume from the series of 14 volumes published by Bauhaus.

“Das Versuchs-Wohnhaus wurde zur ersten öffentlichen Bauhausausstellung (Sommer 1923) in Weimar erbaut. Es wurde von Georg Muche (Entwurf) und der Architekturabteilung des Bauhauses geplant. Bauleitung hatten Adolf Meyer und Walter March. Das Buch wurde im Sommer 1924 zusammengestellt. Nach einem grundsätzlichen Beitrag von Walter Gropius über »Wohnhaus-Industrie« stellt Georg Muche den Entwurf des Versuchshauses vor und Adolf Meyer beschreibt die technische Ausführung mit Angabe der beteiligten Firmen.”

Publisher Albert Langen, Munich, 1925
Bauhausbücher series, 3
78 pages
via Thebaus & Heidelberg University Library

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Joel Chadabe: Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music (1997)

6 July 2019, dusan

A classic of electronic music history based on 150 interviews by an active participant in the northeast American scene.

Publisher Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997
ISBN 0133032310, 9780133032314
xiv+370 pages
via x

Reviews: Marc Battiq Ircam (Leonardo Music Journal, 1997), Anna Laura Arpel (Computer Music Journal, 1997), Warren Burt (Computer Music Journal, 1998), Rebecca Coyle (Convergence, 1999), Darwin Grosse (Cycling74, 2018), Jay Williston (Synthmuseum, n.d.).


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Eduardo Viveiros de Castro: The Relative Native: Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds (2015)

21 June 2019, dusan

“This volume is the first to collect the most influential essays and lectures of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Published in a wide variety of venues, and often difficult to find, the pieces are brought together here for the first time in one major volume, which includes his momentous 1998 Cambridge University Lectures, “Cosmological Perspectivism in Amazonia and Elsewhere.”

Rounded out with new English translations of previous works, the resulting book is a wide-ranging portrait of one of the towering figures of contemporary thought—philosopher, anthropologist, ethnographer, ethnologist, and more. With a characteristic afterword by Roy Wagner, elucidating Viveiros de Castro’s influence and engaging with his arguments, The Relative Native further cements Viveiros de Castro’s position at the center of contemporary anthropological inquiry.”

Afterword by Roy Wagner
Publisher HAU Books, Chicago, 2015
Open access
ISBN 9780990505037, 0990505030
vi+355 pages

Review: Eugene N. Anderson (Ethnobiology Letters, 2016).


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