Interface, 12(1): Organizing amidst COVID-19: Sharing Stories of Struggle (2020)

8 July 2020, dusan

“The world is on fire, with both fever and flame. After a few months of lockdown, things are erupting in new ways. The movement for Black Lives is demanding an end to anti-Black racism and conversations about abolishing the police are on late night television. In North America, a new world appears to be dawning, one that didn’t seem possible even a month ago. Meanwhile, in the new centre of global capitalism, the long-standing Hong Kong movement seems to be on the point of succumbing to a new wave of repression.

Around the world, movements are strategizing about how to ensure that no one is left behind. In April we put out a call for short pieces on this theme. We could see that the imminent arrival of the virus had generated many different struggles – initially pressure to force some states to take action in the first place, resistance to cuts and demanding benefits. Then came struggles characterized by mutual aid, efforts to protect essential workers, and the most vulnerable, such as the homeless, prisoners, the elderly and the undocumented.

This issue contains pieces originally written for our rolling coverage of movements in the virus, as well as a few pieces written especially for this special issue. They represent reflective activists and engaged researchers trying to grasp what their movements were doing, and what they should do, in an unprecedented situation.

The contributions reflect on movements in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, the UK, the US and globally and are written in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.” (from Editorial)

Edited by Sutapa Chattopadhyay, Lesley Wood, and Laurence Cox
Publisher Interface, July 2020
ISSN 2009-2431
683 pages


PDF (17 MB)

transversal, 04/20: Around the Crown (2020) [EN, DE, ES, IT]

18 April 2020, dusan

“The state measures, the disciplinary and control society effects and the socio-psychological impacts of the corona virus are widely discussed. At the same time, familiar mechanisms of disinformation and fake news are developing in the social media. But what is happening beneath these broad mainstreams, in micro-politics, in collectives, in the social surrounds around the virus? In a series of blog posts, original texts and translations, transversal texts tries to give space to these voices and to promote the debates on social responses to isolation and anti-sociality.”

Contributors: Laboratorio Occupato Morion, Franco „Bifo“ Berardi, Chopin, Lucía Naser, Montserrat Galcerán Huguet, Rob Wallace, Alex Liebman, Luis Fernando Chaves, and Rodrick Wallace, Angela Mitropoulos, Raúl Sánchez Cedillo, Catherine Malabou, Paul B. Preciado,, Sandro Mezzadra.

Publisher eipcp – European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies, Linz, 2020
ISSN 1811-1696


Lundimatin, 234: Des chauve-souris et des hommes: politiques épidémiques et coronavirus (2020) [French]

25 March 2020, dusan

An issue of the French journal Lundimatin dedicated to the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) events and the state of exception.

Contributions by Wu Ming, Raoul Vaneigem, Sarah Mekdjian, Jacques Fradin, Lionel Ruffel, Jérome Benarroch, Philippe Tancelin, a.o.

The issue is in French, with the exception of the anonymous essay Monologue du virus [What the Virus Said] published also in Arabic, Armenian, English, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Persian, and Spanish.

Publisher Lundimatin, Rouen, 16-22 Mar 2020