Tiziana Terranova: Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age (2004)

12 February 2009, pht

“In an age of email lists and discussion groups, e-zines and weblogs, bringing together users, consumers, workers and activists from around the globe, what kinds of political subjectivity are emerging? What kinds of politics become possible in a time of information overload and media saturation? What structures of power and control operate over a self-organising system like the internet?

In this highly original new work, Tiziana Terranova investigates the political dimension of the network culture in which we now live, and explores what the new forms of communication and organisation might mean for our understanding of power and politics. Terranova engages with key concepts and debates in cultural theory and cultural politics, using examples from media culture, computing, network dynamics, and internet activism within the anti-capitalist and anti-war movements.

Network Culture concludes that the nonlinear network dynamics that link different modes of communication at different levels (from local radio to satellite television, from the national press to the internet, from broadcasting to rumours and conspiracy theories) provide the conditions within which another politics can emerge. This other politics, the book suggests, does not entail the production of a new political discourse or ideology, but the invention of micropolitical tactics able to stand up to new forms of social control.”

Published by Pluto Press, 2004
ISBN 0745317499, 9780745317496
208 pages

Reviews: Wright (Mute, 2005), Zeffiro (Canadian Journal of Communication, 2006), Jackson (Participations, 2008), Wark (Public Seminar, 2015).


PDF (updated on 2017-10-14)

X-MED-A: Experimental Media Arts (2006)

11 February 2009, dusan

“In X-MED-A publication you can find more than 40 contributions from a motley crew of artists, designers and engineers, including Matthew Fuller, Joey Berzowska, Casey Reas, Akihiro Kubota along with many other clever and lovely people. The articles, interviews, poems and patches reflect upon education and play, poetics and aesthetics, technology and collaboration, politics and economics of experimental media arts, steeped in a sea of photographs, diagrams, screenshots and illustrations.

The review originated from a series of technically and artistically diverse workshops, organised by four independent technological arts initiatives in Brussels: FoAM, nadine, okno and iMAL. The workshops responded to the needfor a place where continuous learning and dialogue between peers is encouraged, with the objective of sharing of experience, skills and knowledge among diverse groups interested in emerging ideas, media and technologies.”

Contributions by mxhz.org, Guy van Belle, Angez Bewer, Bartaku, Johanna Berzowska, Nicolas Collins, Alejandra Perez Nunez, Akihiro Kubota, Franziska Huebler, Carole Collet, FoAM, Eleonora Oreggia, Casey Reas and Ben Fry, jasch, David Griffiths, Toplap, so-on, Xavier Ess, Els Viaene and Dieter van Dam, Code31, Nadine, Yves Bernard, HC Gilje, Rachel Wingfield, Christoph de Boeck, Isjtar, Nicolas d’Alessandro, Jelle Dierickx, Jenny Tillotson, Jessica Hemmings, Toysband, Alejo Duque, Erik Parys, Pablo Diartinez

With an introduction by Matthew Fuller
Edited by Maja Kuzmanovic (FoAM), nadine, Annemie Maes (okno), Yves Bernard (iMAL)
Assistant editor: Alkan Chipperfield
Publisher: FoAM, nadine, okno, and iMAL, Brussels, 2006
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License
ISBN 908107332X
156 pages

Project website
Editor (FoAM)

PDF (updated on 2021-12-29)

Alessandro Ludovico, Nat Muller (eds.): The Mag.net Reader 3: Processual Publishing. Actual Gestures (2008)

11 February 2009, dusan

Processual Publishing. Actual Gestures looks at three main strands which situate contemporary independent publishing as: a locus for artistic practice (“The Art of Publishing”); a public platform engaging with its readership in a specific manner (“Publishing the Public”); and a potential site for countering hegemonic informational power structures (“Hacktivist Publishing”).The thread stitching these realms together is the examination of conditions and tactics for the distribution of knowledge.”

With contributions by Arteleku, Patricia Canetti & Leandro de Paula, Miguel Carvalhais, Constant, Régine Debatty, Jaime Iregui, Christina McPhee, Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi, Andrew Murphie, Jelena Vesic, and Simon Worthington.

Publisher OpenMute
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License
ISBN 9781906496203
124 pages


PDF (updated on 2012-8-4)