Peter Drahos, John Braithwaite: Information Feudalism: Who Owns the Knowledge Economy (2002)

6 August 2009, dusan

New intellectual property regimes are entrenching new inequalities. Access to information is fundamental to the exercise of human rights and marketplace competition, but patents are being used to lock up vital educational, software, genetic and other information, creating a global property order dominated by a multinational elite. How did intellectual property rules become part of the World Trade Organization’s free trade agreements? How have these rules changed the knowledge game for international business? What are the consequences for the ownership of biotechnology and digital technology, and for all those who have to pay for what was once shared information? Based on extensive interviews with key players, this book tells the story of these profound transformations in information ownership. The authors argue that in the globalized information society, the rich have found new ways to rob the poor, and shows how intellectual property rights can be more democratically defined.

Publisher Earthscan, 2002
ISBN 1853839175, 9781853839177
253 pages


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Christopher Prendergast (ed.): Cultural Materialism: On Raymond Williams (1995)

6 August 2009, dusan

The work of Raymond Williams is of seminal importance in rethinking the idea of culture. He is widely regarded as one of the founding figures of international cultural studies. In tribute to his legacy, this edited volume is devoted to his theories of cultural materialism and is the most substantial and wide-ranging collection of essays on his work to be offered since his death in 1988. For all readers grappling with Williams’s complex legacy, this volume is not to be missed.

Contributors: Stanley Aronowitz, John Brenkman, Peter de Bolla, Catherine Gallagher, Stephen Heath, John Higgins, Peter Hitchcock, Cora Kaplan, David Lloyd, Robert Miklitsch, Michael Moriarty, Morag Shiach, David Simpson, Gillian Skirrow, Kenneth Surin, Paul Thomas, Gauri Viswanathan, and Cornel West.

Publisher University of Minnesota Press, 1995
ISBN 0816622809, 9780816622801
387 pages

google books

PDF (updated on 2012-9-3)

Lawrence Liang: Guide to Open Content Licenses v1.2 (2004)

6 August 2009, dusan

Copyright is one of the most hotly contested areas of contemporary cultures. Many feel that current copyright regulations fail to meet the needs of information society and the realities of creative work. Many new practices of copyright – licenses which maintain the chosen rights of authors, but which work with rather than block the creative opportunities of the digital public domain – have emerged over the last few years.

This is the first systematic survey of the major open content licenses. Presented in a handy pocket-format it is designed both for non-specialists want to choose an appropriate use of copyright and for people who want solid background information.

Whether you are an artist, a peer-to-peer file sharer, or author of scientific papers the Guide to Open Content Licenses will provide you with an invaluable oversight and a how-to guide.

Published by Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy Hogeschool Rotterdam
Size: 110 A6 pages, paperbound
ISBN: 90-72855-16-7
Price: a gift
Additional material, chapter 1: Florian Cramer
Editors: Florian Cramer, Matthew Fuller, Calum Selkirk
Graphic design and book typography: Femke Snelting
HTML version: Florian Cramer
December 2004
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

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