Trinh T. Minh-ha: Elsewhere, Within Here: Immigration, Refugeeism and the Boundary Event (2010)

4 December 2015, dusan

Elsewhere, Within Here is an engaging look at travel across national borders–as a foreigner, a tourist, an immigrant, a refugee—in a pre- and post-9/11 world. Who is welcome where? What does it mean to feel out of place in the country you call home? When does the stranger appear in these times of dark metamorphoses? These are some of the issues addressed by the author as she examines the cultural meaning and complexities of travel, immigration, home and exile. The boundary, seen both as a material and immaterial event, is where endings pass into beginnings. Building upon themes present in her earlier work on hybridity and displacement in the median passage, and illuminating the ways in which ‘every voyage can be said to involve a re-siting of boundaries,’ Trinh T. Minh-ha leads her readers through an investigation of what it means to be an insider and an outsider in this ‘epoch of global fear.'”

Publisher Routledge, 2010
ISBN 0415880211, 9780415880213
vii+139 pages
via Neda

Author’s talk on Said’s work (audio, 18 min)

Reviews: Shinhyung Choi (Dark Matter 2011), Delila Omerbašić (Journal of Refugee Studies 2013).


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