Marta Traba: Art of Latin America, 1900-1980 (1994) [Spanish, English]

17 August 2017, dusan

“Marta Traba, one of Latin America’s most controversial art critics, examines the works of over 1,000 artists from the first 80 years of the 20th century. This book is an indispensable reference for anyone interested in studying the evolution of Latin American art.”

Publisher Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 1994
ISBN 0940602717, 9780940602717
xiv+178 pages
via publisher

Review: Carolyn Kay (Canadian J LatAm Caribbean Studies, 1994).


Arte de América Latina, 1900-1980 (Spanish, 1994, 21 MB)
Art of Latin America, 1900-1980 (English, 1994, 22 MB)

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