Edu-Factory Journal, No. 0-1 (2010-2011)

26 September 2011, dusan

Edu-factory is a transnational collective engaged in the transformations of the global university and conflicts in knowledge production. The website of the global network ( collects and connects theoretical investigations and reports from university struggles. The network has organized meetings all around the world, paying particular attention to the intertwining of student and faculty struggles.

Issue 1: University Struggles and the System of Measure
September 2011
Editors: Nirmal Puwar, Gerald Raunig and Brett Neilson
81 pages
Contributions by Edu-factory collective, Enda Brophy and Myka Tucker-Abramson, Lina Dokuzović and Eduard Freudmann, Victor Jeleniewski Seidler, Mary Evans, Bridget Fowler, Peer Illner

Issue 0: The Double Crisis
January 2010
141 pages
Contributions by Edu-factory collective, Christopher Newfield, George Caffentzis, Jon Solomon, Stefano Harney, Ned Rossiter, Marc Bousquet, Revista Multitud, Pedro Barbosa Mendes, Claudia Bernardi and Andrea Ghelfi, Lina Dokuzović and Eduard Freudmann, Uninomade

ISSN 2078-3884
no copyright


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