Carsten Nicolai: Anti-Reflex, catalogue (2005) [English/German]

8 October 2012, dusan

“Carsten Nicolai is considered today to be one of the most important representatives of a generation of artists who focus on exploring the points of intersection between art, nature, and science. As a visual artist, researcher, producer, and organizer of concert events combined in one person, Nicolai seeks to overcome the division among the senses in human perception and to make it possible to experience natural phenomena like the frequencies of sound and light or electromagnetic fields with the eyes as well as by hearing and touch. His installations radiate a minimalist aesthetics that captivates the viewer with its elegance, simplicity, and emphasis on technology. Following his participation in important international exhibitions like the Kassel documenta and the Venice Biennial, the Schirn Kunsthalle presented the first major survey, for which the artist produced a series of new works.” (from curator)

With texts by Magnus Haglund and Yuko Hasegawa.

Curated, edited and with foreword by Max Hollein
Publisher Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, with Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig, Cologne, 2005
ISBN 3883758914, 9783883758916
200 pages

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