Alphonse Allais: Album Primo-Avrilesque (1897) [French]

1 April 2013, dusan

“The title of French writer, playwright and entertainer Alphonse Allais’ small book Album Primo-Avrilesque refers to April 1st, or Fools Day. But far from considering it as a prank, 20th century painters and musicians found in it the seed for monochrome painting, silent music and conceptual art. Indeed, this modest, 28pp book contains 7 monochrome prints (black, blue, green, yellow, red, light grey and white) and the Marche Funebre, a silent music score composed for the death of a deaf man.” (source)

Publisher Paul Ollendorff, Paris, France, 1897
28 pages
via Continuo Docs

Allais at Wikipedia

PDF (different scan, added on 2016-9-25)

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