Julia Kristeva: Revolt, She Said (2002)

3 September 2013, dusan

“May ’68 in France expressed a fundamental version of freedom: not freedom to succeed, but freedom to revolt. Political revolutions ultimately betray revolt because they cease to question themselves. Revolt, as I understand it—psychic revolt, analytic revolt, artistic revolt—refers to a permanent state of questioning, of transformations, an endless probing of appearances.

In this book, Julia Kristeva extends the definition of revolt beyond politics per se. Kristeva sees revolt as a state of permanent questioning and transformation, of change that characterizes psychic life and, in the best cases, art. For her, revolt is not simply about rejection and destruction—it is a necessary process of renewal and regeneration.”

An Interview by Philippe Petit
Translated by Brian O’Keeffe
Edited by Sylvère Lotringer
Publisher Semiotext(e), 2002
Foreign Agents series
ISBN 1584350156, 9781584350156
139 pages

Reviews: Simone Roberts (Common Knowledge), Pramod K. Nayar (Philosophy in Review), Philip Goodchild (Ars Disputanti), Adrian O. Johnston (Metapsychology).


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