Marcus Kaarto, Rasmus Fleischer (eds.): Copy Me. Samlade texter från Piratbyrån (2005) [Swedish]

30 June 2010, dusan

“Digitaliseringen av kultur och information har utvecklats till en av vår tids stora stridsfrågor. Med en dator kan vem som helst kopiera information gratis, vilket har gjort tidigare monopolister desperata. Deras bittra nej till allt vad digital kultur heter, har skapat en onyanserad och tråkig debatt. De analoga massmedierna har fyllts av tyckare som på de mest udda sätt försöker förhålla sig till en främmande digital värld. Tidningarnas rapportering har varit ur tryckpressens perspektiv. Boken du håller i handen består däremot av texter som analogiserats från det digitala kulturlivet. Perspektiven som kommer fram är både hackerns, konstnärens, filosofens och den vanlige fildelarens. Copy Me bjuder på sågningar av kopieringsdiskussionens myter, men också visioner och praktiska exempel på ett kulturliv som för länge sedan lämnat upphovsrättens epok bakom sig. Från Public Enemy till Friedrich Hayek, från TV-spelens historia till Michel Foucault, från datornätverk till läkemedelsfabriker. För första gången i bokform och på svenska presenteras här en samling texter om en av vårt århundrades mest brännande ämnen: kopieringen.”

Publisher: Roh-Nin förlag, Stockholm, 2005
ISBN 919757970X

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John Palfrey, Urs Gasser: Born Digital. Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives (2008)

4 April 2010, dusan

The first generation of “Digital Natives”—children who were born into and raised in the digital world—are coming of age, and soon our world will be reshaped in their image. Our economy, our politics, our culture, and even the shape of our family life will be forever transformed. But who are these Digital Natives? And what is the world they’re creating going to look like? In Born Digital, leading Internet and technology experts John Palfrey and Urs Gasser offer a sociological portrait of these young people, who can seem, even to those merely a generation older, both extraordinarily sophisticated and strangely narrow. Exploring a broad range of issues, from the highly philosophical to the purely practical, Born Digital will be essential reading for parents, teachers, and the myriad of confused adults who want to understand the digital present—and shape the digital future.

Publisher Basic Books, 2008
ISBN 0465005152, 9780465005154
375 pages

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Jaron Lanier: You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto (2010)

30 March 2010, dusan

“Jaron Lanier, a Silicon Valley visionary since the 1980s, was among the first to predict the revolutionary changes the World Wide Web would bring to commerce and culture. Now, in his first book, written more than two decades after the web was created, Lanier offers this provocative and cautionary look at the way it is transforming our lives for better and for worse.

The current design and function of the web have become so familiar that it is easy to forget that they grew out of programming decisions made decades ago. The web’s first designers made crucial choices (such as making one’s presence anonymous) that have had enormous—and often unintended—consequences. What’s more, these designs quickly became “locked in,” a permanent part of the web’s very structure.

Lanier discusses the technical and cultural problems that can grow out of poorly considered digital design and warns that our financial markets and sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter are elevating the “wisdom” of mobs and computer algorithms over the intelligence and judgment of individuals.”

Publisher Knopf, 2010
ISBN 0307269647, 9780307269645
224 pages

Reviews: Adam Thierer (Technology Liberation Front, 2010), Clive Thompson (Bookforum, 2010).

Book website

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