Gerald Emanuel Stearn (ed.): McLuhan: Hot & Cool: A Primer for the Understanding of & a Critical Symposium with a Rebuttal by McLuhan (1967)

30 August 2012, dusan

“A brilliant amalgam of articles, discussions, essays and interviews with and about the Pop Oracle himself, The Complete McLuhan: the most controversial thinker of the electronic age.” (from the back cover)

With essays by Howard Luck Gossage, Tom Wolfe, John Culkin, SJ., Dean Walker, Kenneth E. Boulding, George P. Elliott, Rudolph E. Morris, Walter Ong, SJ., Ammunition (C.I.O.), William Blissett, Harley Parker, Robert Shafer, John Freund, Patrick D. Hazard, Dell Hymes, Frank Kermode, A. Alvarez, Dan M. Davin, Raymond Williams, Harold Rosenberg, Dwight Macdonald, Christopher Ricks, Jack Behar, Ben Lieberman, John M. Johansen, George Steiner, Jonathan Miller, Andrew Forge, Benjamin DeMott, Susan Sontag; responses by Marshall McLuhan; and an interview by Gerald E. Stearn with McLuhan.

Publisher The Dial Press, New York, 1967
Signet Non-Fiction series, Q3739
312 pages

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Oskar Negt, Alexander Kluge: Public Sphere and Experience: Toward an Analysis of the Bourgeois and Proletarian Public Sphere (1972–)

28 July 2012, dusan

“The ‘public sphere’ is widely debated in contemporary literary and cultural studies circles in the United States. The topic’s significance underscores the pressing problem of the location of these contemporary debates: Is the ‘public sphere’ a single authoritative and universal space in which the various positions in these debates compete for recognition, or does it consist of multiple local spaces spread over diverse collectivities? The term ‘public’ has emerged with new urgency in different disciplines and contexts history, cinema and television studies, art criticism, feminist, gay and lesbian, postcolonial, and subaltern perspectives, and is proliferating in titles of books, articles, and college courses. Public Sphere and Experience opens the discussion of the material conditions of experience into an arena that had previously figured only as an abstract term: the media of mass and consumer culture, in particular the so-called new media.”

Originally published as Öffentlichkeit und Erfahrung: Zur Organisationsanalyse von bürgerlicher und proletarischer Öffentlichkeit, 1972, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt

Translated by Peter Labanyi, Jamie Owen Daniel, and Assenka Oksiloff
Foreword by Miriam Hansen
Publisher University of Minnesota Press, 1993
Theory and History of Literature series, 85
ISBN 0816620318, 9780816620319
305 pages

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Marshall McLuhan, Eric McLuhan: Laws of Media: The New Science (1988)

19 July 2012, dusan

Marshall McLuhan has been described as Canada’s most exciting and original thinker, a member of the small company of intellectual geniuses this country has produced. Works such as The Gutenberg Galaxy, The Mechanical Bride, From Cliche to Archetype, and Understanding Media have established his reputation throughout the world and have profoundly influenced our understanding of contemporary communication. In his later years McLuhan was working on a ‘unified field’ theory of human culture, an effort in which he collaborated with and was assisted by his son, Eric McLuhan. This book is the result of that collaboration.

The McLuhans are retrieving another way of understanding our world, a way known to some ancient Greeks (but not Aristotle), to medieval thinkers, to Francis Bacon and Giambattista Vico, and to T.S. Eliot and James Joyce in this century. It is based on the use of words and the conseuqent power of the ‘logos’ to shape all the elements of culture – media – with which we surround ourselves.

The authors explain how the invention of the alphabet led to the dominance of visual-space conceptualizations over those of acoustic space and its creative words (and word-plays). They consider the differences between the left- and right-hand sides of our brains, and use Gestalt theories of figure and ground to explore the underlying principles that define media.

‘Media,’ the word so closely connected with Marshall McLuhan’s thought, is here explored in its broadest meaning, encompassing all that has been created by humans: artefacts, information, ideas – every example of human innovation, from computer program to a tea cup, from musical arrangement to the formula for a cold remedy, from an X-ray machine to the sentence you’re reading right now. All these are media to whcih can be applied the laws the McLuhans have developed.

The laws are based on a set of four questions – a tetrad – that can be applied to any artefact or idea:
What does it enhance or intensify?
What does it render obsolete or displace?
What does it retrieve that was previoulsy obsolesced?
What does it produce or become when pressed to an extreme?

Inherent in every human innovation is an answer to each of the questions of this tetrad; anything that does not contain answers to these four questions is not the product of human creation.

The laws identified by the McLuhans consitute a new scientific basis for media studies, testable, and able to allow for prediction. It takes in all human activities and speech; it breaks down barriers and reconsiders them as mere intervals. In the McLuhan tradition, this New Science offers a while new understanding of human creation, and a vision that could reshape our future.

Publisher University of Toronto Press, 1988
ISBN 0802057829, 9780802057822
252 pages

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