Marc Böhlen and Hans Frei (eds.): Situated Technologies Pamphlet 6: MicroPublicPlaces (2010)

5 November 2010, dusan

In response to two strong global vectors: the rise of pervasive information technologies and the privatization of the public sphere, Marc Böhlen and Hans Frei propose hybrid architectural programs called Micro Public Places (MMPs). MPPs combine insights from ambient intelligence, human computing, architecture, social engineering and urbanism to initiate ways to re- animate public life in contemporary societies. They offer access to things that are or should be available to all: air, water, medicine, books, etc. and combine machine learning procedures with subjective human intuition to make the public realm a contested space again.

Series Editors: Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, Mark Shepard
Publisher: The Architectural League of New York


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Julian Bleecker and Nicolas Nova (eds.): Situated Technologies Pamphlet 5: A synchronicity: Design Fictions for Asynchronous Urban Computing (2009)

5 November 2010, dusan

In the last five years, the urban computing field has featured an impressive emphasis on the so-called “real-time, database-enabled city” with its synchronized Internet of Things. Julian Bleecker and Nicholas Nova argue to invert this common perspective and speculate on the existence of an “asynchronous city”. Through a discussion of objects that blog, they forecast situated technologies based on weak signals that show the importance of time on human practices. They imagine the emergence of truly social technologies that through thoughtful provocation can invert and disrupt common perspectives.

Series Editors: Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, Mark Shepard
Publisher: The Architectural League of New York


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Nigel Thrift: Non-Representational Theory: Space, Politics, Affect (2007)

25 October 2010, dusan

“This book presents a distinctive approach to the politics of everyday life. Ranging across a variety of spaces in which politics and the political unfold, it questions what is meant by perception, representation and practice, with the aim of valuing the fugitive practices that exist on the margins of the known. It revolves around three key functions.

It introduces the rather dispersed discussion of non-representational theory to a wider audience; provides the basis for an experimental rather than a representational approach to the social sciences and humanities; and begins the task of constructing a different kind of political genre.”

Publisher Routledge, 2007
International library of sociology
ISBN 0415393213, 9780415393218
325 pages
