Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy, 2: Spring is Coming (2012)

20 May 2012, dusan

“We have spent the winter learning, working and growing. And now we are being propelled to bolder, more intelligent forms of resistance.

Our vision and alternatives will come in time, with patience, working together, when we reflect the strength and diversity of the 99%. Until then, let’s grow our power with each other against a government that’s no longer responsive to the will of the people it claims to represent.

We hope this Tidal ignites new conversations and deepens older ones amongst each other, in our assemblies, working groups, caucuses, universities, town halls, union halls, bars, bus stops, subway cars, shelters, dinner tables, and workplaces, in every spaces we occupy. The stakes are high enough that the conversations should happen everywhere. And perhaps the coming year will be the moment when we are unleashed beyond a ‘movement’ and towards a new way of being.” (Editorial statement)

Edited by Natasha Rosa Luxemburg, Amin Husain, Babak Karimi, and Laura Gottesdiener
Publisher Occupy Media, March 2012
32 pages


Magazine website

PDF, PDF (10 MB, updated on 2017-12-2)

Occupy! An OWS-Inspired Gazette, 2-3 (2011)

24 December 2011, dusan

“Published on November 14, at the beginning of the national wave of evictions, the second Occupy Gazette! completes our history of the first phase of the movement. Articles document the Oakland raid and general strike, emergence of the spokes council, and last days of the Zuccotti Park occupation, and address questions related to homelessness, police relations, and nonviolence, and more.

Published on December 15, the third issue of the Occupy! Gazette is the latest in the series. It describes and re-imagines the movement after the end of the occupations as well as looks to the archives for models. Articles follow student activism from CUNY to Berkeley, cover the Oakland port shutdown, consider the legacies of ACT-UP, the Greenham Common occupation, and autonomia—and more.”

Edited by Astra Taylor, Eli Schmitt, Nikil Saval, Kathleen Ross, Sarah Resnick, Sarah Leonard, Mark Greif, Keith Gessen, and Carla Blumenkranz
Publisher n+1, New York, November and December 2011
2x 40 pages

Facebook page

Issue 2 (updated on 2017-12-2)
Issue 3 (updated on 2017-12-2)

See also Issue 1.

Tidal: Occupy Theory, Occupy Strategy, 1 (2011)

10 December 2011, dusan

“We believe we can’t have radical action without radical thought.

Tidal offers theory and strategy as a means of empowering occupiers, whether actual or potential, to envision actions that ultimately transforms existing power structures.

In Tidal, theory means an assumption based on limited information or knowledge. Strategy means the art of devising or employing plans or stratagems towards a goal. Action means this. This moment; This struggle. many voices. history. and process. collectively, imagine.

We are an ongoing horizontal conversation among those who have spent most of their lives thinking about this moment, and the people in the Occupy Movement that are making decisions every day about its future. Aware that ability is a privilege, Tidal endeavors to offer challenging ideas in language that’s accessible to the common person. We hope these writings positively impact the Occupy Movement, propel it forward and clarify its goals.” (Editorial statement)

Edited by Natasha Bhagat Singh, Amin Husain, Babak Karimi, Laura Gottesdiener, and Isham Christie
Publisher Occupy Media, December 2011
24 pages

Magazine website

PDF, PDF (2 MB, updated on 2017-12-2)