Laurie Ouellette: Viewers Like You? How Public TV Failed the People (2002)

2 August 2009, dusan

How “public” is public television if only a small percentage of the American people tune in on a regular basis? When public television addresses “viewers like you,” just who are you? Despite the current of frustration with commercial television that runs through American life, most TV viewers bypass the redemptive “oasis of the wasteland” represented by PBS and turn to the sitcoms, soap operas, music videos, game shows, weekly dramas, and popular news programs produced by the culture industries. Viewers Like You? traces the history of public broadcasting in the United States, questions its priorities, and argues that public TV’s tendency to reject popular culture has undermined its capacity to serve the people it claims to represent. Drawing from archival research and cultural theory, the book shows that public television’s perception of what the public needs is constrained by unquestioned cultural assumptions rooted in the politics of class, gender, and race.

Publisher Columbia University Press, 2002
ISBN 0231119437, 9780231119436
288 pages

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John Armitage (ed.): Virilio Live: Selected Interviews (2001)

27 February 2009, pht

“Edited by one of the leading Virilio authority’s, this book offers the reader a guide through Virilio’s work. Using the interview form, Virilio speaks incisively and at length about a vast assortment of cultural and theoretical topics, including architecture and `speed-space’, `chronopolitics’, art and technoculture, modernism, postmodernism and `hypermodernism’, the time of the trajectory and the `information bomb’. His thoughts on Foucault, Baudrillard, Deleuze and Guattari, the performance artist Stelarc, the Persian War and the Kosovo War, are also gathered together.”

Publisher Sage, 2001
ISBN 0761968601, 9780761968603
218 pages


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