Georg Flachbart, Peter Weibel (eds.): Disappearing Architecture: From Real to Virtual to Quantum (2005)

21 June 2009, dusan

“The creation of new environments through the use of developments in Information Technology is significantly altering not only architecture itself but also the roles and tasks of the architects. Architecture can no longer be described in the terms we are familiar with since it no longer corresponds to the form of architecture as we know it: an inclusive and exclusive structure, clearly defined, with a single interior and a single exterior. For architects, the challenge of the future will increasingly lie in creatively coming to terms with hybrid environments, understanding and exploiting the design potential of digital spaces within the physical world, and redefining the role of architecture within a visually dominated culture. This volume presents a valuable and attractive contribution to the contemporary discussion on this subject.”

Publisher Springer, 2005
ISBN 3764372753, 9783764372750
272 pages

Key words and phrases
qubit, quantum computing, Mixed Reality, Utility Fog, Point Cloud, Smart Dust, autonomic computing, active world, Grid computing, computer-aided design, quantum mechanics, Virtools, multiverse, Monika Fleischmann, Wolfgang Strauss, peer-to-peer, Shor’s algorithm, LHC Computing Grid, quantum dots, Ubiquitous Computing

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Christa Sommerer, Lakhmi C. Jain, Laurent Mignonneau (eds.): The Art and Science of Interface and Interaction Design (2008)

12 March 2009, dusan

“Artists and creators in interactive art and interaction design have long been conducting research on human-machine interaction. Through artistic, conceptual, social and critical projects, they have shown how interactive digital processes are essential elements for their artistic creations. Resulting prototypes have often reached beyond the art arena into areas such as mobile computing, intelligent ambiences, intelligent architecture, fashionable technologies, ubiquitous computing and pervasive gaming. Many of the early artist-developed interactive technologies have influenced new design practices, products and services of today’s media society. This book brings together key theoreticians and practitioners of this field. It shows how historically relevant the issues of interaction and interface design are, as they can be analyzed not only from an engineering point of view but from a social, artistic and conceptual, and even commercial angle as well.”

Published by Springer, 2008
ISBN 3540798692, 9783540798699
190 pages

Key terms: Augmented Reality, Prix Ars Electronica, wearable computers, Christa Sommerer, interactive art, media art, ubiquitous computing, interaction design, Mixed Reality, Fluxus, Virtual Reality, RFID, mass media, Chaos Computer Club, Wolfgang Strauss, Monika Fleischmann, Linz, John Cage, Human-Computer Interaction, Peter Weibel

PDF (24 MB, updated on 2020-1-4)