Luis Buñuel: My Last Breath (1982-) [Spanish/English]

25 January 2013, dusan

A provocative memoir from Luis Buñuel, the Academy Award winning creator of some of modern cinema’s most important films, from Un Chien Andalou to The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.

Luis Buñuel’s films have the power to shock, inspire, and reinvent our world. Now, in a memoir that carries all the surrealism and subversion of his cinema, Buñuel turns his artistic gaze inward. In swift and generous prose, Buñuel traces the surprising contours of his life, from the Good Friday drumbeats of his childhood to the dreams that inspired his most famous films to his turbulent friendships with Federico García Lorca and Salvador Dalí. His personal narratives also encompass the pressing political issues of his time, many of which still haunt us today—the specter of fascism, the culture wars, the nuclear bomb. Filled with film trivia, framed by Buñuel’s intellect and wit, this is essential reading for fans of cinema and for anyone who has ever wanted to see the world through a surrealist’s eyes.

Originally published in French as Mon dernier soupir, Editions Robert Laffont, 1982

English edition
Translated by Abigail Israel
This translation first published by Alfred A. Knopf, 1983
Publisher Fontana Paperbacks, a division of Collins Publishing Group, London, 1985
266 pages

Mi último suspiro (Spanish, trans. Ana M. de la Fuente, 1982)
My Last Breath (English, trans. Abigail Israel, 1985)

New German Critique, No. 78, Special Issue on German Media Studies (1999)

18 January 2013, dusan

With texts by Michael Geisler and Michelle Mattson, Peter Humphreys, Knut Hickethier, Michael Geisler, Norbert Bolz, Siegfried Zielinski, Heidemarie Schumacher, Tom Huhn.

Edited by Michael Geisler and Michelle Mattson
Publisher Telos Press, New York, Fall 1999
196 pages


New German Critique 49: Special Issue on Alexander Kluge (1990)

18 January 2013, dusan

With texts by Alexander Kluge, Eric Rentschler, Timothy Corrigan, Helke Sander, Heide Schluepmann, Gertrud Koch, Richard Wolin, John Rajchman, and Marc Silberman.

Editors: David Bathrick, Helen Fehervary, Miriam Hansen, Andreas Huyssen, Anson Rabinbach, Jack Zipes
Publisher Telos Press, New York, Winter 1990
196 pages


See also October 46: Alexander Kluge: Theoretical Writings, Stories and an Interview, 1988.
Kluge at Monoskop wiki