Jon McKenzie: Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance (2001–) [EN, CR]

27 July 2017, dusan

“In Perform or Else Jon McKenzie asserts that there is a relationship cultural, organisational, and technological performance. In this theoretical tour de force McKenzie demonstrates that all three paradigms operate together to create powerful and contradictory pressures to ‘perform… or else’.”

Publisher Routledge, London, 2001
ISBN 0415247691, 9780415247696
x+306 pages

Reviews: Arthur Sabatini (Theatre J, 2002), Henry M. Sayre (Modernism/modernity, 2003), Bez Kershaw (New Theatre Quarterly, 2006).
Interview: Tim Edkins and Stevphen Shukaitis (ephemera, 2014).
Commentary and interview: Anna Street (2014).


Perform or Else (English, 2001, 5 MB)
Izvedi ili snosi posljedice (Croatian, trans. Vlatka Valentić, 2006, 5 MB)

In Terms of Performance (2016–)

26 July 2017, dusan

A keywords anthology designed to provoke discovery across artistic disciplines.

In Terms of Performance is designed to generate shared literacies for how we understand the goals, skills, and artistic traditions of experimental interdisciplinary work. Over the past few years we have gathered essays and interviews from key artists, curators, presenters, and scholars whose work reflects on relations among visual art, theatrical, choreographic, and performance art practices. To seed the conversation, we created a list of keywords: common yet contested terms in our current context, when museums are incorporating ever more time-based art forms, theaters are commissioning visual art for their stages, and symposiums try to make sense of how this cross-pollination changes the nature of curating, collecting, producing, authoring, documenting, and commissioning. Some of these keywords are older terms that have been resuscitated and redefined; others have made an appearance only recently. Our goal was not to produce singular definitions nor to commission encyclopedic entries but to share perspectives from distinct locations.”

Terms: Act, Amateur, Character, Choreography, Collecting, Composition, Curating, Documentation, Duration, Ephemerality, Experience Economy, Improvisation, Installation, Live, Media, Narrative, Participation, Performativity, Postdramatic, Poststudio, Prop, Reenactment, Relational, Score, Site, Spectator, Theatricality, Virtuosity.

Edited by Shannon Jackson and Paula Marincola
Publisher Arts Research Center at University of California, Berkeley, and The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, Philadelphia, 2016

HTML, PDF-on-demand

MediaImpact / MediaUdar (2012) [English/Russian]

22 July 2017, dusan

Catalogue of the international festival of activist art МедиаУдар (MediaImpact), held in autumn 2011 in Moscow. Includes descriptions of 68 recent works; texts by Tatiana Volkova, Arseny Sergeev, Oksana Sarkisyan, Anton Nikolayev, Pablo Hermann, Kostis Stafylakis, Oleg Genisaretskiy, and Peter Weibel; and interviews with Mike Bonnano, Nina Felshin, and Andrew Boyd.

Editing: Tatiana Volkova
Coordination: Joulia Strauss
Publisher MediaImpact, Moscow, with ZKM, Karlsruhe, 2012
ISBN 9785990375512
359 pages
via publisher


PDF (12 MB)

See also two subsequent Russian-language anthologies of texts, MediaUdar: aktivistskoe iskusstvo segodnya (2014, 6 MB) and MediaUdar: aktivistskoe iskusstvo segodnya II (2016, 51 MB).