Legacy Russell: Glitch Feminism: A Manifesto (2020)

15 October 2020, dusan

“Simone de Beauvoir said, “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” The glitch announces: One is not born, but rather becomes, a body.

The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists: we are connected all the time. What must we do to work out who we are, and where we belong? How do we find the space to grow, unite and confront the systems of oppression? This conflict can be found in the fissures between the body, gender and identity. Too often, the glitch is considered a mistake, a faulty overlaying, a bug in the system; in contrast, Russell compels us to find liberation here. In a radical call to arms, Legacy Russell argues that we need to embrace the glitch in order to break down the binaries and limitations that define gender, race, sexuality.

Glitch Feminism is a vital new chapter in cyberfeminism, one that explores the relationship between gender, technology and identity. In an urgent manifesto, Russell reveals the many ways that the glitch performs and transforms: how it refuses, throws shade, ghosts, encrypt, mobilises and survives. Developing the argument through memoir, art and critical theory, Russell also looks at the work of contemporary artists who travel through the glitch in their work. Timely and provocative, Glitch Feminism shows how an error can be a revolution.”

Publisher Verso, London, September 2020
ISBN 9781786632661, 1786632667
176 pages

Reviews: Rahel Aima (Bookforum, 2020), R.V. Campbell (The White Review, 2020), Johanna Marie Engemann (re:visions, 2020, DE), Ondřej Trhoň (Revue Prostor, 2020, CZ), Pauline Nguyen (Femme Art Review, 2021), Miranda Findlay (Feminist Formations, 2021), O.K. Keyes (Studies in Art Education, 2021), Hannah Curran-Troop & Annelot Prins (Eur J Cult Stud, 2022), Zoe Hurley (Postdigital Sci & Edu, 2023), Ondřej Trhoň (Artalk.cz, 2023, CZ).

Interviews with author: Mikkel Rosengaard (Bookforum, 2020), Ben Davis (artnet, 2020), ATM (2020), William Kherbek (Berlin Art Link, 2020).


PDF (updated on 2023-10-23)

Tanja Ostojić: Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojić (2018)

5 October 2020, dusan

“This publication is based upon the Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojić (2011-2017), an interdisciplinary participatory research art project by Tanja Ostojić that included academic and artistic research, five creative workshops, a number of public events, one group performance, and two exhibitions involving more then 30 women.”

Edited by Tanja Ostojić
Publisher Live Art Development Agency, London, and Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, 2018
ISBN 9780993561139, 0993561136
157 pages
via author

Reviews: SeeCult (2017), Bojana Videkanic (Sociologija, 2018).
Interview with author: Matthew Rose (Artblog, 2018).

Exhibition (MoCAB, Belgrade, 2017)
Exhibition (MMSU, Rijeka, 2017)
Publisher (with audio recording from book launch)

PDF (11 MB)

Yvonne P. Doderer: Shining Cities: Gender Relations and Other Issues in Urban Development of the Twenty-First Century (2016)

12 August 2020, dusan

“In the twenty-first century, the majority of people are living in cities—at least this is the credo communicated frequently. This statement has been strengthened by the “urban renaissance” that dawned at the beginning of the twenty-first century and by a globally evident increase in capital investment in urban-development projects. Such planning endeavors are conveyed to the public, the political sphere, and the media with the help of Internet platforms. The visualizations and descriptions found on such project websites are associated with promises of modernization, appeal, and economic growth—in short, with a better life.

In this publication, images and texts from 12 projects planned for Europe, Africa, and Asia are surveyed critically: What do they “tell” about future life in these new urban districts? Who will live and work in these cities? Which forms of living and lifestyles are propagated? And most importantly: How do these designs relate to actual urban reality, including that of the inhabitants to whom the projects are addressed?

Written in a comprehensible way, supplemented by illustrations and photographs, this in-depth analysis sensitizes the reader to the interconnections between urban-space production and societal (gender) relations.”

Self-published, 2016
Digital Peer Publishing Licence (DPPL)
ISBN 9783000550188
321 pages
