You Killed Me First: The Cinema of Transgression (2012) [English/German]

9 December 2013, dusan

“Basically, in one sentence, give us the definition of the ‘Cinema of Transgression’.” Nick Zedd: “Fuck you.”

Nightmarish scenarios of violence, dramatic states of mind, and perverse sexual abysses – the films of the Cinema of Transgression that were consciously aimed at shock, provocation, and confrontation, bear witness to an extraordinary radicality. In the 1980s a group of filmmakers from the Lower East Side in New York went on a collision course with the conventions of American society. Transcending all moral or aesthetic boundaries, the low budget films reveal social hardship met with sociopolitical indifference. Sometimes shot with stolen camera equipment, the films contain strident analyses of life in the Lower East Side defined by criminality, brutality, drugs, AIDS, sex, and excess. The catalogue is published on the occasion of the worldwide first exhibition on the Cinema of Transgression, You Killed Me First at KW Institute of Contemporary Art in Berlin.

The catalogue includes contributions by Sylvère Lotringer, Carlo McCormick, Jonas Mekas, Susanne Pfeffer, Jack Sargeant, Nick Zedd and collages by Leonard Neumann LSD.

Edited by Susanne Pfeffer
Publisher KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin, and Walther Koenig, Cologne, 2012
ISBN 3863351576
176 pages

Video from exhibition (3 min)


PDF (110 MB, no OCR, updated on 2016-12-23)

Karel Teige: O humoru, clownech a dadaistech, I-II (1928-30/2004) [Czech]

5 August 2013, dusan

Dvousvazková kultovní práce vůdčího teoretika české avantgardy je unikátní studií o dadaismu.

První svazek obsahuje kapitoly “pojednávající o humoru, o světském a neliterárním dadaismu a o poezii cirkusu, music-hallu a lunaparku”. Druhý svazek “kreslí svět moderní básně, svět, který voní; podává genezi dadaismu přehledem vývoje od Baudelairea až k Tzarovi, charakteristiku hnutí dada i surrealistické revoluce a v závěru pokouší se formulovat teorii a estetiku nové poezie pro všecky smysly, podloženou fakty korespondence a analogie mezi jednotlivými obory ‘umění’..”, to, co “je jádrem nové estetické teorie, která se zve poetismem”. S doslovem Jiřího Brabce.

O humoru, clownech a dadaistech, I: Svět, který se směje
Originally published by Odeon, Prague, 1928, 112 pp
Publisher Akropolis, Prague, 2004
ISBN 8073040425
114 pages

O humoru, clownech a dadaistech, II: Svět, který voní
Originally published by Odeon, Prague, 1930, 240 pp
Publisher Akropolis, Prague, 2004
ISBN 8073040530, 9788073040536
244 pages

review (Vol. 1, Andrea Jochmanová, Literární noviny, in Czech)
review (Vol. 2, Jan Nejedlý, Čro Vltava, in Czech)


PDF (Vol. I)
PDF (Vol. II)