Fábrica de Conocimiento / Factory of Knowledge (2016) [Spanish/English]

15 October 2020, dusan

“This book is published on the occasion of the 15th Regional Exhibition, center area, Garage School: Knowledge Factory, produced and curated by Laagencia, from June 30 to September 19, 2015.”

“La estructura editorial del libro se divide, sin ninguna jerarquía, en tres partes: Teorías varias, una selección de textos existentes relevantes —tanto en la concepción como realización de la curaduría— y otros inéditos, comisionados de manera abierta a agentes participantes. La sección Hágalo con otros, ejercicios que traducen los formatos de la Escuela para que puedan replicarse, hacerse con otros y transformarse. Las respuestas de todos los invitados a las preguntas ¿Qué quiere aprender? ¿Qué quiere enseñar?, a manera de presentación. Y por último un anexo en formato de carteles, un glosario como un ejercicio de especulación donde se resignifican una serie de términos que fueron nominando las jornadas de cada semana, que en su totalidad componen un diagrama de la Fábrica. Este es solo un documento parcial y subjetivo, una visión de las tantas posibles que se despliegan entendiendo el arte y la educación como territorio, desde la curaduría, la visibilización de la producción inmaterial y las prácticas instituyentes en Colombia a principios del siglo XXI.”

Publisher Laagencia, Bogotá, 2016
ISBN 978-958-46-7738-9
493 pages



Pedagogy, Otherwise: the Reader (2018)

23 January 2020, dusan

Pedagogy, Otherwise: the Reader was assembled in the context of /and in conversation with the Eco-versities Alliance, a trans-local community of learning practitioners from around the world committed to cultivate and reclaim knowledges, relationships and imaginations. Most of the texts appeared originally in the series Pedagogy, Otherwise, as part of the line of inquiry Learning, Education and Pedagogy on ArtsEverywhere.ca, an online platform for artistic experimentation and exploration of the fault lines of modernity.

Editor Alessandra Pomarico, member of the Ecoversities Alliance and publication group, hoped through this compilation, to give voice to ‘a wide range of perspectives, explore a diversity of ways of knowing, attempting to decolonize the structure of education, contesting universal dominant frames, and focusing on pedagogy as politics. Artistic perspectives, convivial/militant research, theoretical discourses, as well as praxis of both affects and cognition, embodied and land-based practices – these are some of the tools and processes through which we witness today how learning communities are unfolding in different contexts, reclaiming autonomous yet interconnected zones of knowledge, even in the most diring geopolitical conditions’.”

Edited by Alessandra Pomarico
Publisher Eco-versities Alliance & ArtsEverywhere, 2018
Open access
257 pages

Project website

PDF, PDF (18 MB)

Howard Slater, kuda.org (eds.): Faculty of De-Programming for Obsolescence! Welcome! (2014) [EN, SC]

7 December 2015, dusan

A reader made within and after the (anti-) conference held on 27-28 Feb 2014 in the Youth Center CK13 in Novi Sad, in production and organization by kuda.org.

With texts by Group for Orgonetherapy by Communism, Howard Slater, Jakob Jakobsen, Nikoleta Marković, Petar Atanacković, Fabian Tompsett, Kasper Opstrup, Branka Ćurčić, and Zoran Gajić.

Publisher New Media Center_kuda.org, Novi Sad, 2014
ISBN 9788688567114
150 pages


Faculty of De-Programming for Obsolescence (English)
Fakultet za deprogramiranje zastarelosti (Serbo-Croatian, updated on 2019-11-7)