Quoz? (1975)

12 April 2014, dusan

Two issues of a “Bay Area Dada” magazine from the mid-1970s.

The first one is a collection of short poems by over 40 authors including Anna Banana, Ken Friedman, and Genesis P. Orridge.

The latter issue features pen and ink drawings by Opal L. Nations divided into four sections entitled “On the Study of Genetics”, “On Physical Culture”, “On the Art of Surgery” and “Some General Observations”.

Edited by Carlo Giovanni Cicatelli (aka Charles Chickadel)
Associate Editor: Carol Ann See
Publisher Trinity Press, San Francisco
via Matt Wellins

Commentary (John Held Jr.)

Volume III, Number 10 (Summer 1975, 49 pp)
Volume III, Number 12 (Winter 1975-76, 44 pp)

Roger Shattuck: The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant-Garde in France, 1885 to World War I., Rev. ed. (1955/1968)

8 April 2014, dusan

In this book Roger Shattuck portrays the cultural bohemia of turn-of-the-century Paris who carried the arts into a period of renewal and accomplishment, and laid the ground-work for Dada and Surrealism.

“…Then came the idea–a kind of gambler’s hunch–that the trio Rousseau-Satie-Apollinaire represented several significant aspects of the period and could reveal them better than any single figure. The idea would not die. [..] Jarry had forced his way into the group and established himself close to the center of things. He helped clarify my underlying subject: how the fluid state known as bohemia, a cultural underground smacking of failure and fraud, crystallized for a few decades into a self-conscious avant-garde that carried the arts into a period of astonishingly varied renewal and accomplishment. [..] An enormous amount has been written on this era and these men since the first edition of this book in 1958. I have taken account of some of it by changing those passages where new facts have come to light.” (from the Preface to this edition)

First published in 1955
Publisher Vintage Books, 1968
397 pages

Review (Alfred Kazin, The Reporter, 1958)
Review (Sidney Tillim, College Art Journal, 1959)
Review (Justin O’Brien, The Saturday Review, 1958)

PDF (115 MB, no OCR)

Kurt Schwitters: “Eile ist des Witzes Weile”: eine Auswahl aus den Texten (1987) [German]

20 March 2014, dusan

A wide-ranging collection of poems, prose, manifestos and autobiographical texts by Kurt Schwitters. Several texts in English.

Edited by Christina Weiss and Karl Riha
Publisher Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart, 1987
ISBN 3150083923
160 pages


PDF (21 MB, no OCR)