eContact! 16(4): Experimental Practices and Subversion in Sound (2015)

29 May 2015, dusan

“The ephemeral and varied character of subversion in musical creation makes it a challenging, complex concept to clearly define and illustrate. In this issue it is approached and reflected upon via a range of experimental practices with turntables, tapes and other devices, fringe genres, sound sculptures, and alternative models of music distribution.”

Texts by Karin Weissenbrunner, Stephen Graham, John Oswald, Gary Schultz, dieb13, Antony Maubert, Jon Panther, jef chippewa, JD Zazie; interviews with Joke Lanz, Gheorghe Costinescu, Andrés Lewin-Richter; works by Graham Dunning, Martin Howse, Timo Kahlen.

Guest editor: Karin Weissenbrunner
Publisher Canadian Electroacoustic Community, Montreal, Mar 2015

HTML articles

eContact! 14(3): Turntablism (2013) [English, French]

18 September 2013, dusan

“In this issue of eContact!, interviews with contemporary turntablists show the many performative approaches possible with the turntable (accompanied by audio and video examples). Historical journeys back to the invention of the first devices to record and play back sound present the precursors of turntablism and offer a reflection on cultural and technical changes and similarities throughout the last century. Readers will even be encouraged to experiment with turntablism themselves, with instructions how to create their own personal record player out of cardboard. The many perspectives on sound creation with the turntable featured in this edition give an idea of the richness of the genre and the fascinating possibilities of the turntable.” (from the Editorial)

With contributions by Karin Weissenbrunner, Michael Heumann, Christopher DeLaurenti, Wolfgang Fuchs, Institut für Feinmotorik, Ian Andrews, Michael Hansen, Ignaz Schick, Daniel Neumann, Sylvain Fortier, and Andreas Engström. The issue also contains audiovisual galleries of the works by Alexandre Bellenger, Maria Chavez, Billy Roisz and Vinyl Terror & Horror, as well as wiki entries, columns, reviews and electroacoustic jukebox.

Editor jef chippewa
Publisher Canadian Electroacoustic Community, Montreal, January 2013

Turntable wiki (CEC’s open resource)

View online (English, HTML articles)
View online (French, HTML articles)