Performance Art / LIVE, 1-7 (1979-1982)

11 July 2017, dusan

The late 1970s in New York City generated a lively scene in experimental theatre, performance, dance, music, sound, video, film, clubs, and festivals. Numerous alternative spaces were opened up and publications started. The seven numbers of the zine-style magazine Performance Art (then retitled LIVE) devoted to downtown performance discuss topics such as acting/non-acting, intermedia, comedy, solo performance, new wave rock, what is performance art?, gay and feminist performance, punk, and new dance.

Edited by Bonnie Marranca and John Howell
Publisher Performing Arts Journal (Bonnie Marranca and Gautam Dasgupta)
47 pages (numbers 1-5), 120 pages (number 6)

Number 1, 1979 (13 MB)
Number 2, 1979 (11 MB)
Number 3, 1979 (14 MB)
Number 4, 1980 (14 MB)
Number 5, 1981 (16 MB)
Number 6-7, 1982 (42 MB)

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