Janis Jefferies, Sarah Kember (eds.): Whose Book is it Anyway? A View From Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity (2019)

8 May 2019, dusan

Whose Book is it Anyway? is a provocative collection of essays that opens out the copyright debate to questions of open access, ethics, and creativity. It includes views – such as artist’s perspectives, writer’s perspectives, feminist, and international perspectives – that are too often marginalized or elided altogether.

The diverse range of contributors take various approaches, from the scholarly and the essayistic to the graphic, to explore the future of publishing based on their experiences as publishers, artists, writers and academics. Considering issues such as intellectual property, copyright and comics, digital publishing and remixing, and what it means (not) to say one is an author, these vibrant essays urge us to view central aspects of writing and publishing in a new light.”

With contributions by John Cayley and Daniel C. Howe, Louise O’Hare, Janneke Adema, Michael Bhaskar, Alison Baverstock, Sophie Rochester, Smita Kheria, Ronan Deazley and Jason Mathis, Danuta Kean, J. R. Carpenter, Eva Weinmayr, Muriel Swijghuisen Reigersberg, Joseph F. Turcotte, Simon Groth, Janis Jefferies, Laurence Kaye, Richard Mollet, Rachel Calder, and Max Whitby.

Publisher OpenBook Publishers, Cambridge, UK, 2019
Creative Commons BY 4.0 International License
ISBN 9781783746491, 1783746491
xiv+442 pages


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