Mish Mash, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol 17 Issue 1 (2011)

12 August 2011, dusan

A collection of articles, reviews and opinion pieces that discuss and analyze the complexity of mixing things together as a process that is not necessarily undertaken in an orderly and organized manner. Wide open opportunity to discuss issues in interdisciplinary education; art, science and technology interactions; personal artistic practices; history of re-combinatory practices; hybridizations between old and new media; cultural creolization; curatorial studies and more.

Contributions from Frieder Nake, Stelarc, Paul Catanese and other important cultural operators.

Editor-in-chief: Lanfranco Aceti
Co-editor: Paul Brown
Managing editor: John Francescutti
Editors: Martin John Callanan, Connor Graham, Jeremy Hight, Özden Şahin
Published by Leonardo/ISAST, San Francisco; with Sabanci University, Istanbul; and Goldsmiths, University of London; August 2011
ISBN: 978-1-906897-11-6
200 pages



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