Deptford.TV diaries (2006)

9 February 2009, dusan

Deptford.TV is an audio-visual documentation of the regeneration process of Deptford (south-east London) in collaboration with media lab,,, Liquid Culture and Goldsmiths College.

Since September 2005 we started assembling AV material around the area, asking community members, video artists, film-makers, visual artists and students to contribute statements, feedback and critique of the regeneration process of Deptford.

The unedited as well as edited media content is being made available on the Deptford.TV database and distributed over the wireless network. The media is licensed through open content licenses such as Creative Commons and the GNU general public license.

This book is a compilation of theoretical underpinnings, interviews and written documentation of the project.

Contributors: Adnan Hadzi, Maria X, Heidi Seetzen, James Stevens, Erol Ziya, Bitnik media collective, Andrea Pozzi, Andrea Rota and Jonas Andersson, alongside selected public-license texts from Hakim Bey, Jaromil and Guy Debord.

Keywords: Deptford, Pirate Bay, Telestreets, Free Culture movement, file-sharing, Creekside, Negativland, gift economy, Free Software movement, Berthold Brecht, internet archives, software patents, Cinelerra, Jaromil, technological determinism, urban regeneration, alternative media, VideoLAN, Cyberpunk, MEncoder.

Publisher Liquid Culture, 2006
Creative Commons BY-SA License
ISBN 0955479606
104 pages


PDF (cover)

Public Netbase: Non Stop Future. New practices in Art and Media (2008)

9 February 2009, dusan

The publication is both a review of the pioneer days from the perspective of Public Netbase as well as an outlook into the future of art and culture in digital networks. It provides an overview of a critical information economy discourse, insights into Tactical Media strategies and a critique of the loss of public domain and the commons. Based on the extensive archives of Public Netbase, the book features some of the most spectacular and controversial art projects and interventions from 1994 to 2006. It also offers historical documents and manifestos critical of commercialization and control society issues, together with a view into the digital world of tomorrow.

Sections: Discourse; New Art Practices; Tactical Media; Digital Mediaculture, Networking and Participation; Public Netbase;

Editors: Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić / New Media
Editorial team: Konrad Becker, Branka Ćurčić, Zoran Pantelić, Felix Stalder, Martin Wassermair
Publisher Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2008
ISBN 9783865884558

View online (HTML articles)

Felix Stalder: Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks (2005) [English, Serbian]

8 February 2009, dusan

“Anyone interested in the relation between cultural production and consumption and the development of Free and Open Software (FOSS) will want to read these essays by Open Source pioneer Felix Stalder, the first research to be published within the “Note Book” project by Stalder observes that culture can be approached as object-oriented or exchange-oriented, and believes that Open Source eventually leads to a more open society. Stalder, a lecturer in media economy at Zurich’s Academy of Art and Design, is a managing partner of Openflows, an international network focusing on research and development of Open Source technology and culture. He apparently has some Open Source aspects of his personal life as well: his official biography notes that he lives ‘together with Andrea Mayr and Selma Viola, all three proud to be flesh.'”

Edited by New Media, Novi Sad
Publishers Futura publikacije, Novi Sad, Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art, Sarajevo, and Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.5 License
ISBN 9783865882110
190 pages


Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks (4 MB, updated on 2017-6-4)
Otvorena kultura i priroda mreža (Serbian, added on 2017-6-4)