kuda.org (eds.): Izostavljena istorija / Omitted History (2006) [Serbian/English]

5 May 2011, dusan

“How ready are we to learn from our mistakes from the past? How important is it to position positive historical elements as a model for the future, especially when we speak about the freedom and progressive cultural and social practices?

These are just some of the questions initiated during the discussion “Omitted History” held in November 2005 in Novi Sad. This discussion was intended to throw light on crucial events on the political and artistic scenes at the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century in former Yugoslavia, yet on the other hand, to offer the proposals for a model on how to critically read and write new history of the Yugoslav socialist times, connecting it to the present situation. One year after the exibition “The Continuous Art Class” and the discussion “Omitted History” in Novi Sad, the transcript of the discussion is published along with a research that speaks about a wider social context of the political practices in (post-) Yugoslav times and they are also seen here from a socially-philosophical angle. “The Continuous Art Class” is a long-term research project that deals with mapping of progressive art and neo-avant-garde and political practices during the 1960s and 1970s in Novi Sad and Vojvodina.”

Publisher: Revolver – Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt, 2006
kuda.read series
Translated by Nebojša Pajić
ISBN 3865883672
134 pages


PDF, PDF (updated on 2021-12-11)

Sergei Eisenstein: Selected Works, 1: Writings, 1922-34 (1988)

2 May 2011, dusan

This volume is a collection of writings by Sergei Eisenstein, considered by some to be cinema’s most important theorist and author of aesthetic writings in the 20th century. Some of the writings are of his early silent masterpieces, The Strike and The Battleship Potemkin.

Edited and translated by Richard Taylor
Publisher British Film Institute, London, 1988
ISBN 0851702066, 9780851702063
343 pages

PDF (no OCR; updated on 2012-7-14)